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Embedded Systems Lab Website


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1-20 of 20 messages displayed
1. muna   (29/Aug/2010 5:18 AM)
beautiful and useful site ,,well done my best engineers

2. rahaf nawash [rsmn]  (08/Oct/2010 10:57 PM)
[color=red]well ...everytime i visit this site i find something interesting
..its like u thought of everything its really a well built site biggrin
liked the project's due-time countdown idea biggrin
thank u alot ...allah y36eekom el 3afyeh biggrin

3. Muath Najjar [Al-Najjar]  (19/Oct/2010 2:21 PM)
thanks to who build this site and supervise it ..........its agood job
I will remember this to the entire of my life

4. Walaa AlNnsour [wala2]  (19/Oct/2010 8:19 PM)
this site has really been helpfull in every meaning of the word
THank u all Eng's

5. Hamza [Hamza]  (24/Nov/2010 0:07 AM)
allah y36eekom el 3afyeh

6. ezya khader [ezya]  (29/Dec/2010 12:22 PM)
thanks alot for this helpfull and interesting site
best wishes for you;
biggrin biggrin biggrin

7. [IronMan]  (03/Jan/2011 10:11 AM)
i enjoyed the lab .,. one of the most organized courses i ever took , thanks to the lab's engineers that works all the time to make it work and help us whenever we need help , one person actually feel sad when he takes other lab courses and compare them to this lab sad

8. Muath Najjar [Al-Najjar]  (18/Jan/2011 11:54 AM)
I enjoy this lab and it's project ,I wish to have more steps towards this success

thanks to you all ..............I'll never forget this lab & it's instructors

9. mohammad mahameed [mahameed]  (23/Feb/2011 7:14 PM)
smile smile

10. Mahmoud Humaidan [kahrabji]  (01/Mar/2011 8:07 PM)
i want to love this lab , , , but how ?????

11. samiceng   (02/Apr/2011 1:15 PM)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
من الظاهر انو المهندسين تعبانين على المادة
انا ضيف مش طالب في الجامعة
كنت بدرس ماجستير عنكم و خلصت سنة 2006
و حاليا انا شغال في السعودية
درست البكلوريوس في اليرموك كلية الحجاوي
و طبعا كان مشروعنا على ال
هاد الحكي سنة 2003
ما كان عنا مادة عنو أبدا و تعلمنا لحالنا
و لسه حابب اطور نفسي فيه
صحيح انا إشتغلت كثير في نوع ثاني هو
بس شكلو الـ
ماخذ شهرة اكثر

معلش طولت عليكم
بس ممكن اطلب من المهندسين يسجلوني معكم كضيف بس أقدر اشوف المادة كاملة
و شكرا

اخوكم م سامي السقا

12. sami saqqa [dsmiceng]  (02/Apr/2011 1:29 PM)
قدرت أسجل
لم اكن منتبه انه سهل
في البداية فكرتو فقط للطلاب

شكرا على هذا الموقع الجميل

Answer: Welcome Eng.Sami to our website

we are glad that you like the website and the material .

Embedded engineer.

13. lara sawalha [lara]  (31/May/2011 9:47 AM)
Thank you eng. enas for the wonderful time i spent in the lab smile thank you very much for your great help to us smile i just cant thank you enough flower god bless you angel

14. Haitham Kanakri [HK]  (26/Aug/2011 1:54 AM)

15. Jehad Ghanim   (17/Jan/2012 5:58 PM)
Thank you for the well organized site smile

16. eman   (01/Oct/2012 9:03 PM)
سجلت بس ما وصلني رسالة على الايميل شو السبب ؟؟
Answer: Check Spam folder

17. Shady Haddad [maestro]  (02/Oct/2012 9:25 PM)
really great website .......... biggrin

18. lopeplarielry   (01/Nov/2012 2:56 PM)
I am the first time being here at this time and so firstly i sooo want to speak greetings to all

19. Mohammad   (04/Feb/2013 7:36 AM)
I am very excited to take this lab

Thank you
Answer: Welcome to the Embedded lab Mohammad

20. Hassan Ahmad   (16/Feb/2013 4:23 AM)
Thank you Eng.Enas very much for the wonderful time I spent in the lab , Thank you for your collaboration , your help and your time
Thank you for every thing


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