MPLAB 8.92 IDE software package (111 MB)
This compressed file includes the datasheets for the PIC 16F84A, 16F877A and 16F917 microcontrollers used in the lab. (6.59 MB)
A useful book with an introduction to PIC assembly programming with numerous hardware related examples which are useful to read for the project. (2.35 MB)
Manual of the kit used in the lab. (222 KB)
A useful link to a tool which automatically generates a software delay subroutine for any time of your choice in PIC assembly language.
The complete C Manual from Hi-Tech for PIC 10/12/16 series, it covers the C language in depth, all available HTC library functions, the compiler, assembler among others (2.42 MB)
A useful tool to determine the values of four-band color resistor.
This compressed file includes the datasheets for the Hitachi HD44780 LCD used in the lab.
To help you prepare to do your best on the Midterm Exam, here are practice question.
11. Examples.