ستعلن التجاميع من 60 أولا بأول في أسبوع 24 نيسان. يرجى من الطلبة الذين لديهم أي ملاحظة بخصوص علاماتهم مراجعة المهندسين (شخصياً أو بواسطة الأيميل) في موعد أقصاه الخميس 5/5 حيث ستسلم العلامات بعدها للقسم و تتخذ الصيغة النهائية و الرسمية و لا يمكن حينها اجراء أي تعديل!
This post is to remind you that the second lab quiz will be held on the week of 24th April at the beginning of experiment 9! It is out of 5 marks! Study well.
The quiz will be based on all study material from Lab 6 till Lab 8 !
Make sure you come early! There will be no make up quiz!
You are not allowed to bring any study material with you! This is a closed-book quiz! We will provide you with any material you need!
Kindly note that the submission deadline for Lab 3 Code and Bonus is a minute prior to your lab time, that is 10:59 AM for morning sessions and 1:59 PM for afternoon sessions!
Late submissions will be considered but with a late submission penalty!
Cheating will not be tolerated and a mark of zero will be awarded!
Project Group Selection Sheet submission due date is on the week of 13th March. You have to submit a hardcopy of the form to any of the lab engineers either during your lab time or else!
This due date applies to other project proposals
as well! If you choose a project of your own, you have to submit a 1-2
paper proposal of your suggested project along with the selection sheet!
We will look into your proposal and inform you of our acceptance
decision within a week!
No late submissions of projects or
selection sheets are accepted! We will be preparing the project
discussion schedule based on the sheets we receive by the 13th!
Failure to submit your sheet by the due date will be regarded as
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This post is to remind you that the first lab quiz will be held on the week of 13th March at the beginning of the LCD experiment! It is a out of 5 marks! Study well.
The quiz will be based on all study material from Lab 1 till Lab 3!
Make sure you come early! There will be no make up quiz!
are not allowed to bring any study material with you! This is a
closed-book quiz! We will provide you with any material you need!